ISO 12480: the Standard to ensure safe lifting and hoisting
Without sufficient planning and supervision, crane accidents will happen one day or the other!
If something goes wrong, the consequences are likely to be disastrous – severe damage to property with risk of injury or loss of life is a real possibility. Good planning and supervision protects cranes and the people working around them.
Cranes are today some of the most versatile pieces of equipment to be found working on many oil & gas installations, industrial and construction sites. When used correctly and with a fully trained and competent lifting team, cranes are also one of the safest items of equipment.
European Directive 2009/104/EC – use of work equipment – Annex II, article 3.2.5 reads as follows:
‘All lifting operations must be properly planned, appropriately supervised and carried out to protect the safety of workers’. This regulation places a legal duty on any employing organisation to properly plan and appropriately supervise each and every lifting operation.
Thankfully, ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) provides a very useful Standard to help employers to understand and comply with this legal requirement. The ISO 12480 Standard establishes required practices for the safe use of cranes, including safe systems of work, management, planning, selection, erection and dismantling, operation and maintenance of cranes and the selection of drivers, slingers and signallers.
When broken down into stages, the planning of a safe lifting and hoisting operation, no matter how complex, can be relatively straightforward, but someone shall take responsibility for it.
To overcome this the term Appointed Person, or Person In Charge as he is being called within the International Association of Oil & Gas producers (OGP), is introduced in this Standard.
Person In Charge
ISO 12480 gives the following definition of the Person In Charge:
‘Person In Charge: one competent person who has overall control over the crane operation and acts on behalf of the organization requiring the load to be moved (the employing organization)’.
The Person In Charge is defined as a specifically identified person who is designated by their company as having the required level of competency to plan and supervise the specific lifting and hoisting operation. He shall be competent, with sufficient training, technical knowledge and experience, to develop a safe system of work for lifting operations, in order to satisfy the needs of the employing organization.
The Person In Charge:
•Categorises the operation, conducts a risk assessment and develops the planning of the lifting and hoisting operations;
•Selects the lifting and hoisting equipment and ensures that it is inspected and appropriate for use;
•Selects people and ensures that those involved are competent for performing their task, aware of the task and procedures to be followed, and aware of their responsibilities;
•Familiarises with all risks associated with the working area and assures that measures shall be taken to minimize these risks;
•Checks that load integrity and stability is satisfactory;
•Briefs people involved in or affected by the lifting and hoisting operations and is responsible for the pre-job toolbox talk.
Training for Person In Charge by 12hoist4u
A dedicated training for Persons In Charge based on the ISO Standards hardly exists in the global market place. As the management of “want-to-hoist-for-you” is very familiar with rules, regulations and standards they developed a dedicated training for Persons In Charge already in 2012.
One of the global leading Oil & Gas companies selected 12hoist4u to train Persons In Charge and numerous field audits by independent third parties are evidence of a serious improvement in overall supervision and compliance with rules and regulations of lifting and hoisting. Thus contributing on the overall safety!
The training Person In Charge is aimed for everyone who holds responsibility for lifting and hoisting operations. In addition this training gives in-depth understanding of a serious amount of legal aspects for other positions that are facing lifting and hoisting aspects.
There is a fixed schedule for the training days: every first Monday and every 3rd or 4th Wednesday of the month. On top of that, additional training can be arranged on request of the customer.
You can download your registration form on our website.
Overview of lifting and hoisting Standards available on www.12hoist4u.com website
An unrivalled overview of Standards all related to lifting and hoisting is available on the website of 12hoist4u and can be downloaded for your convenience.