Tadano ATF 220G-5 lift a bridge at the state garden show in Saxony
Raising a bridge 35 m and 24 t in weight in a tight space, primarily requires the optimum crane, alongside the professionalism of the crane driver. For this purpose, the compact ATF 220G-5 from TADANO provides the performance of the 6 axle class on 5 axles, with higher economic viability.
Those responsible for the state garden show in Saxony place importance on performance from a single source. Therefore, the transport and crane service Otto Fischer from Neustadt (Orla) was allocated the total planning for logistics, construction and lifting, as well as implementation on-site in Oelsnitz. Thanks to the good planning and the high level of reliability of the employees and machines involved, the schedule was adhered to exactly, meaning that the ATF 220G-5 could drive to the next building site immediately after this use. For Thomas Fischer, Managing Director of Otto Fischer, the seamless use of the crane is routine, as he confirms himself: “We are pleased to have the extremely reliable ATF 220G-5 in our fleet, it is very often in use.”
Even for the pedestrian bridge for the state garden show, the ATF 220G-5 from TADANO was the crane of choice. Because, particularly for challenges with limited space like this one, the ATF 220G-5 is very suitable thanks to its high load bearing capacity on compact 5 axles. According to Thomas Fischer the capacity of the TADANO crane was almost completely utilised: “The ATF 220G-5 is an excellent machine in this class, due to its good load bearing capacity values. In Oelsnitz we had to use the max. crane capacity.” In addition, the 68 metre cantilever arm was extended to 42 metres, using the full counter weight of 71 tonnes, to insert the bridge part within a maximum radius of 19 metres.
Since 1995, Otto Fischer has relied on the tried and tested TADANO quality and expected economic advantages from this. In the eyes of Fischer, these are also the result of the continual further development of the 2 engine concept, which TADANO consistently offers from the 70 tonne class, as the only one of the four German crane manufacturers.
Thomas Fischer clarifies how the 2 engine concept works with the ATF 220G-5 used, via the various run times of the engines in the supterstructure and carrier. In this way, the carrier engine achieved double the run time of the superstructure engine in the first year of use for the ATF 220G-5. A fact which is noticeably reflected in a performance difference of 405 kW (551 HP) in the superstructure compared to 143 kW (194 HP) in the carrier, for fuel and oil consumption alone year after year, as Thomas Fischer confirms. Based on the experience with the first TADANO crane acquired in 1995, the Managing Director is therefore calculating in a time frame of significantly more than ten years.
Equally, based on positive experiences, Thomas Fischer values the user friendliness of the mobile crane from TADANO. This is practical and sensibly reduced to the simple functions. In addition, the customer proximity of the TADANO service for maintenance and spare parts, is a significant factor for the economic use of the vehicle: Thomas Fischer adds: “The technology is understandable and not complicated, and therefore also less susceptible. And if we do need a repair, the service is on the spot with help and spare parts, to minimise downtime.”
Otto Fischer, goods transport and crane service from Neustadt an der Orla, Thuringia has been moving big things since 1863. Thomas Fischer presides over the company in the 5th Generation, and employs 45 employees in the most diverse services. The fleet of TADANO mobile cranes offers a scope of services from 35 to 70 up to 220 tonnes load bearing capacity.